In this video, I tell a story about the OceanGate Titan Titanium rings. There is an important story about them that is not discussed much. It's worth analyzing.
00:20 1st major difference with 2nd sub
00:45 2nd major difference with the 2nd sub
01:10 Gluing the rings was the problem, maybe?
02:32 Tony talks about the interfaces
03:12 Tony talks about matching moduli, dissimilar materials
04:26 Tony talks about supporting the rings
05:43 3rd major difference with the 2nd sub (spoiler alert)
06:42 How they reused the old rings
07:27 Tony said NO, here's why
09:42 Microscale problem, peeling of the glue joint?
10:05 Water intrusion is the problem
10:26 How to recognize a picture of the second sub
11:15 The rigging needed was large
12:27 Tony may have been right
My OceanGate Titan Playlist is here