"Odun Yi Atura" album was recorded by C.A.C. Good Women Choir Ibadan, led by Mrs. D.A. Fasoyin on the 17th November 1979 at Decca West Africa, 30, Lawani Street, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria. The album was eventual released to the general public in January 1980.
The album was the choir sixth release and was made popular because of the new year prayers in the song. The album is a must have for every family because of the new year Prophetic Declaration in the song.
Odun Yi Atura album is a 9 track powerful prayer songs which many people have testified to as having done wonders in their lives, families, businesses and so on. The other tracks in the album includes:
"Oruko Jesu Yi Dun" meaning "The Name Of Jesus Is Sweet"
"Ko S'agbara Biti Jesu" meaning "There Is No Power Like That Of Jesus"
"O Ba Colour Mi Mu" meaning "It Suit My Colour"
"Mo Gbekele O" meaning "I Really On You"
"Somi Deru Jeje Fun Ota" meaning "Make Me Untouchable For The Enemy"
'Mo Fe Lo Si Jerusalem" meaning "I Want To Go To Jerusalem"
"Jesu Ngbo Adura" meaning "Jesus Answers Prayer" and
"Oluwa Ku Ise" meaning "God Weldone"
Odun Yi Atura and the above tracks made the entire album powerful to the extent that as soon as the new year is approaching, people begin to look for the album for their personal use and prayers.
We blessed the name of the Lord for making an album such as Odun Yi Atura available to prophesy into the lives of his people at the beginning of every new year.
Glory! Halleluyah!!!
You can also send "Super Thanks" to all your favorite videos on our Channel. You shall be celebrated in Jesus mighty name, amen.
You can watch other soul lifting songs from C.A.C. Good Women Choir, Ibadan @ https://www.cacgoodwomenchoiribadan.com the official website of the Choir.
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