very a off brand
Wojtko5's amazing living place by @RobotKrabsReel :
Robo-Coke and Stealer parts by @Objectshowmaster
Inst, voices and bgs:
BPM: 195, 228 (Stealer), 195 (again), 206 (Vending Machine and the parts after that)
0:00 Wojtko5
2:22 Principal OSM
4:38 John the Knifybot
6:04 Robo-Coke
8:02 Stealer
9:53 Wojtko5 (mildly agitated)
11:57 Vending Machine
13:35 Coke Protector/W01tk0 (bfsolo)
14:18 Coke Protector/W01tk0
15:51 uh oj
16:10 Wojtko5 (angry)
17:08 what
17:17 Robo-Head
18:14 Wojtko5 (MAD)
19:29 Everyone
21:42 End
22:05 robot krabs
Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin
Effect author credits:
Linear - StevenM,Dubswitcher,Youlean
Youlean Time Stamp - Rado1, Youlean
Dubswitcher Fast Static, Dubswitcher Soft Glitch - Dubswitcher
brujjing tags:
Fnf, Fnf marathon song, marathon song, custom song, original song, ferocious, long song, baldis basics, mod, golden apple, gapple, dave and bambi, d&b