As I say in the video a wind self steering is all important to me. Electric autopilot are easy to use but can fail and battery's will need extra charging.. Mechanical wind self steering are less likely to stop working and dont make any noise, but do require more tuning and balance of sails t to get them to work effectively.
The one I chose is called a Provane.
My boat is a Graham Radford designed 14 meter or 46 foot custom built in Aluminum in 1994 in Tasmania Australia.
Please consider supporting the Chanel in any way, Im not a full time youtuber but will do my best to get videos out when I think I have worthy content. To support the channel ..
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Audio, no kickbacks for me but these people sent me a mic set and didnt ask for anything in return and its quiet good.
This is the USA Amazon link to the LARK 150USA: