West Bengal and it's Capital Kolkata is floating on oil and natural gas Habra Ashok Nagar, Ranaghat some parts of North 24 pargana is full on oil at least drilled by ONGC says so. Now it's needed to be explored and drilled for use for that a huge land is needed, Central government is taking all precautions and planning for development projects. On the other hand Central is waiting for primary clearance where as looking for some permissions from state government.
Hopefully the situation will be changed economically for West Bengal and the district North 24 pargana and some parts of Nadia.it will help Kolkata to gain more economical power.
Recently in Parliament this subjects and some questions are raised by Ranaghat MP Jagannath Sarkar and Hardeep Puri Minister oil and natural gas ans
Link : https://www.anandabazar.com/west-bengal/centre-is-interested-in-the-oil-and-gas-reserves-discovered-by-ongc-in-ranaghat-dgtl/cid/1567046