You asked and I answered!
Master Violin Maker and Restorer Olaf Grawert answers YOUR question about European Violin making and European instruments.
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Watch my video on how to choose an instrument bow:
00:00 Introduction
00:20 What are the ancestors of the violin?
03:50 What separated the great Italian makers from one another?
07:23 How much has the shape of the violin changed over time?
08:28 How do you compare a French violin to a German violin to an Italian violin?
11:28 How does the shape and size of a soundpost influence a violin?
12:29 How important is the shape and thickness of the soundpost?
13:03 Has there been a change in the bridge shape since the 1500’s?
13:44 How has the bow developed over time?
14:05 What were the oldest preserved violins?
14:31 Is Cremona still the gold standard for
violin makers worldwide?
17:10 Conclusion
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