Old Model Ruger Revolver Gun Restoration. I will Restore This Cool looking decoration Ruger Revolver Gun find in river and make it cool object for decoration again.1851 Navy Model Restoration
Note: THIS IS NOT a firearm it’s a very cheap Chinese ruger revolver model Which I found at sea.
I started brushing the dirt and rust off the lighter. After giving it a little squeeze of WD40 I disassemble it and sandblasted the revolver case. It was made of very cheap metal and had a lot of pitting therefore I grinded it with fine sandpaper grit 1000 and 1500 and then I did some serious polishing of the case just to make it look ok. I cleaned all the small parts in my mini tumbler.
This channel is all about the how to restore or make a new one things I do and how I do it . Mainly you will see here restoration videos because CONVERTING OLD RUSTY THINGS TO NEW THINGS ARE SO SATISFYING and I will also do some customization project which I hope you like it in how to restore channel videos
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The handle was like the rest of the gun made of very cheap materials. so i decide to make a new one from wood
I think it turned out OK and I am positive surprised that I was able to make it beautiful again . I hope that you enjoy this restoration video. Please subscribe if you want to see more cool upcoming projects 🙂
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please watch my other videos:
Sig Sauer M17 Colt Restoration-plastic Ball Ammo Toy Gun Restoration video
GUN Lighter restoration – COLT Python
Making Viking Axe from the Cheapest Axe
0:00 Introduction
1:02 a little squeeze of WD-40
1:12 to make sure we can disassemble the gun
2:30 all the parts need a wash
2:43 White vinegar
3:08 after few hours
3:36 all the parts need sandblasting
3:53 diy homemade sandblasting :
5:29 a lot of deep metal pitting in this gun
5:43 i try to grind some of metal pitting away
6:13 Cleaning with a metal brush
6:57 i want use gold color for all the parts
7:40 Now I want to assemble all the parts of the decorative gun
10:06 i will make new handle from wood
10:36 I want to use epoxy glue instead of screws
12:19 A little scraper
12:36 And sanding
13:28 I want to change a little gold color with black
14:10 Olive oil for wooden handle
14:33 I like the result
14:38 what do you think