An old ship's lamp, so that's the subject of today's video. I bought an old ship's lamp at the antiques exchange. There she immediately caught my eye. I've never seen anything like it. My ship's lamp is kerosene.
What is a ship lamp:
Ship lights are lights that are used on ships for lighting, both below deck, above decks and as navigation lights.
Navigation lights helped sailors survive in earlier years, especially in times when modern equipment was lacking and in the dark, the position of other ships could only be determined by lighting.
To withstand stormy sea and salt water, the lamps had to be solidly constructed. As a result, many ship fittings are solidly made and have strong glass. This solid also ensured that much more was preserved.
Navigation lights
Navigation lights allow you to determine which direction the ship is heading and what the ship is, even in the dark.
Different types of ships have different types of navigation lights, so the type of ship can be identified by the navigation lights, which is important, among other things, for the rules of priority of navigation. (source
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action index:
00:01 Presentation of an old ship's lamp
00:59 Removing the lamp
05:55 Degreasing with detergent
06:40 After degreasing and drying the lamp, I sandblasted all the parts.
08:20 There was a recess in the lid that needed to be tinned.
10:10 I cleaned the brass parts in a "brass cleaner", which is a finished product composed of several types of acids. Cleaning is fast.
11:07 After drying, the cleaned brass parts must be polished with abrasive paste and a cloth wheel.
13:00 I decided to provide the boat lamp with powder paint and therefore it is necessary to fasten the individual parts to the wire for hanging.
13:20 Preparation for powder coating.
13:30 Powder coating - beautiful, it's fast and after cooling it's done :)
14:15 Lamp assembly
21:33 Demonstration of functionality
22:12 Comparison before and after renovation
23:00 Thanks to Patreon partners
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Thank you very much Veronika and Radek