Is the simple lifestyle only for the privileged?
If you’re thinking of leaving the rat race of life for a simple lifestyle, this video may resonate with you.
Rat Race: A Short Film Story
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Sweet potato dinner rolls recipe
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00:00 rat race trap
00:24 the pursuit of cheese
02:06 purpose and scarcity mindset
05:07 not a magic pill
Leaving The Rat Race For A Simple Lifestyle
How many times have we heard that a slow and simple lifestyle is only for the privileged?
Or that it's naivete to want to live simply and step away from the rat race and the consumerism trap?
If you’re thinking of leaving the toxic rat race of life and pursuing simple living, this video may resonate with you.
The Pursuit of Cheese
We all search for security and stability in life. Yet, even with a job, a decent income, and my basics covered, I still found myself in a constant state of discontent and unhappiness. My thoughts were focused on what’s more, bigger, or better.
When we look up the definition of a rat race, we'll find one common denominator: it’s a way of life in which people are caught up in a competitive struggle for perceived happiness, status, and power.
I recently watched a short film entitled Happiness, which illustrated the rat race mindset - and the toxic lifestyle I once lived - perfectly well. I included a link to this 4-minute video in the show notes below in case you're curious to see it.
Perhaps it’s from social conditioning, or societal norms. But I never put my entire life and intention into question, so I just did what my peers were doing and checked similar boxes.
I was hooked on the cheap dopamine that the consumerism trap rewards us with. Yet, no matter how much I achieved, it was never enough for me
Needless to say, the rat race of life kept me in a poverty mindset. Because “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. ” – Seneca
Purpose and Scarcity Mindset
Some people go through life thinking they have no choice but to stay in the rat race indefinitely. Or that there's no other way to live. I used to think this way too.
Yes, we need income in this material world. And it's true that there's no such thing as total freedom from work and responsibilities.
In fact various religions and philosophies discuss the importance of purposeful work. But the question is, do I have an enriching life outside of work, or do I just exist to work?
Perhaps some people like to stay in the rat race for whatever reason, and each to their own.
But for those who do not, yet they live above their means, it's easy to feel stuck in the rat race of life. This reflects in our demeanor, causing us to be irritable because we feel aggravated, insecure, and overwhelmed most of the time.
Many people - including myself at one point - think they will never have enough. I was chasing one promotion after the next and one high paying job after another. This only incurred more stress and less time while being a slave to pay for things I never really needed and had no time to enjoy.
So instead of working so hard to make ends meet, we work on having fewer ends.” - Courtney Carver.
This is why I find it helpful to replace limiting beliefs with pragmatic insight and to take an objective look at my current financial standings.
This allows me to gain an understanding of what I have and what I’m capable of, so I can design a sustainable way of living that's aligned to my values.
It’s Not A Magic Pill
Simple living doesn't mean a life that is void of challenges. I am not spared from life's ups and downs, and I don't have my entire life figured out. A simple lifestyle is not a magic pill by any means.
But by practicing intentionality and frugality - even if I slip up and fail at times - I make my lifestyle a little less complicated and less expensive. It also helps me to curate a life with space for what matters instead of mindlessly saying yes to everything and everyone. Because Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.