I believe anyone can lead an intellectual life, as long as you're prepared to read, write, and think for yourself. In this video, I'm sharing my advice on the topic.
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0:00 - No Time
01:30 - Be Selective
02:07 - Use Time Wisely
3:16 - Learn a Language
04:03 - Travel & Learn
04:46 - Write
05:34 - Reflect
05:54 - Follow Courses
06:31 - Art, Music, Literature
06:45 - Organise Information
08:22 - CAT BREAK
08:39 - Community
09:34 - Blind Spots
10:49 - CAT BREAK
11:01 - Critial Thinking
11:56 - CAT BREAK
12:53 - Fear
14:18 - Schedule
15:23 - PURRRR