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01:47 無駄 = 役に立たないこと
11:06 人を道具的価値によって捉える思考
24:13 近代福祉国家というシステム
38:33 貨幣の「自由な処分権」に対する意識
50:12 効率性の追求にどう抗うか
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運営:東京大学 大学総合教育研究センター 教育課程・方法開発部門
Speaker: Ryoji Hoshika
On the People Who Are Supposed To Be "Wastes" [JP]
If what is useless for a certain purpose is called "waste," and if the economical development is the most important purpose of the society, the people who do not yield economical value are wastes in the society. Though this way of thinking is extreme, the idea that spending money and human resources for social welfare of the disadvantaged, such as disabled persons, is "inefficient" is deeply rooted in people's mind today. In this lecture, Dr. Hoshika considers how to resist such a thought tendency, from the perspective of disability studies.
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