Let's lay some track and get some trains running! In this installment of the On30 Goldfield & Calico project, I lay some cork roadbed and Peco On30 flex track and turnouts. Then it's time to wire everything up for reliable operations on the DCC (digital command control) system, with explanations of the wiring buss, feeders, gaps, and even frog juicers!
Thanks for watching, amigos!
Tam Valley Depot Frog Juicers: https://www.tamvalleydepot.com/products/dccfrogjuicers.html
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Music courtesy YouTube Audio Library, attribution given where available.
"Country Cue 1" courtesy of Audionautix, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
"Way Out West" by Chris Haugen, YouTube Audio Library