Back to basics with a super simple rig – what will they choose?
Welcome to the show! Like it or loathe it, there remains a kind of noble dignity associated with the simplicity of a guitar-cable-amp rig. No fancy pedals, no cheating with MIDI and no other complication to interrupt the pure musical flow of self-expression.
Or at least that’s how a lot of people see it.
In this episode then, we grab that particular nostalgic chestnut by the horns by choosing just One Guitar & One Amp to see if we can cover a range of tones. And while we’re at it, how about we forget about channel switching and multi-mode amps too?
Enjoy the show!
Pedals and stuff in today’s video
• Echo-Fix EF-X2
• Free The Tone FT-2Y Flight Time
UK & Europe:
Interesting bits and go-to sections
0:00 Hello & The Rules
1:00 Mick’s Amp Choice?
2:55 Mick’s Guitar Choice?
4:20 Guitar setup issues
7:42 Dan’s Choices
10:05 Back to the studio – amp reveal
12:25 Guitar reveal
15:05 Let’s plug in
16:45 Dan’s funky clean tone
17:40 Mick’s funky clean tone
21:13 Dan’s crunchy rhythm tone
24:10 Mick’s crunchy rhythm tone
27:00 Dan’s solo sound
29:25 Dan’s pick dynamic range
30:00 Mick’s solo sound
33:00 A new challenge flies in!
34:18 Two Changes Each?
35:10 Dan’s new tone
38:55 Mick’s new tone
42:35 Can Dan get cleaner?
46:50 Why are we doing this anyway?
49:37 Dan plays Mick’s rig
Guitars in this video
• PRS DGT - Mick’s video here:
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster - Dan’s video here:
Amps in this video
• Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue with standard speaker
• Vox AC15 C1 with Celestion G12M Greenback
• Two Rock TS1 50w 1x12 combo with TR1265B speaker
• Matchless C30 Head & 212 ESD with one Celestion G12M Greenback and one Celestion G12H Anniversary
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UK & Europe: Andertons Music
Australia: Pedal Empire