Final Result at 01:40:40 直跳結果 - 01:40:40
*********本身打算做AI出字幕,但因為我地加快左條片嘅速度同埋我哋搭住講嘢, 再加上講嘢有啲LUR XD 暫時未成功, 留待下一次因為今次條片趕住出 XD! 敬請原諒! We originally planned to use AI for subtitles, but because we sped up the video and we were talking over each other, plus our speech was a bit unclear XD, it wasn't successful this time. We'll try again next time because this video is rushed XD! Please forgive us!********
今次就會搶先開兩箱1月25日推出嘅EB-02! 今次一日入咗兩箱, 因為係之前嗰排訂落嘅! 發覺依家好似唔需要刻意預早訂因為啲價錢其實差唔多甚至乎仲平一兩百~
今次畫風插畫風格嘅Event Card相當之鍾意而且將漫畫係2當路飛招牌動作! 呢個動作冇人唔識 XD! 另外仲出咗好多張金字嘅Leader Card! 佢哋嘅話係用之前出過嘅畫但係除咗轉左燙金字之外仲加咗好多凹凸文好靚! 我同阿金都有心水想中嘅Leader Card! 所以金箱其實目標係漫畫之外都仲有額外一個目標就係中我哋想要嘅頭! 每一箱只會保底有一張!
我同阿GUM傾過今次哩兩箱都冇出啲咩好嘢既話,或者以後就循例開一箱就算㗎啦~ 心淡荷包仲慘 T T !
另外今次嘗試用AI加入字幕希望配合YouTube嘅字幕翻譯可以俾到其他國家嘅人知道我哋講咩, 雖然講啲嘢好無謂哈哈哈哈! 多謝大家支持~!
This time we will be opening two cases of the EB-02 that will be released on January 25th! We received two boxes in one go because we ordered them in advance! It seems that we don't need to pre-order any products in the future anymore because the prices are similar or even cheaper by one or two hundred!
This time we really like the art style of the Event Cards, which features Luffy's signature pose "Gear 2" !! No one could forget this pose XD! Moreover, there are many golden-Lettered Leader Cards! They use the previous artwork, but besides the gold lettering, they have added a lot of embossing, making them very beautiful! Both GUM and I have our eyes on some Leader Cards! So, besides the manga, our goal is also to get the Leader Card we want! Each box is guaranteed to have only one! GUM and I talked about it, and if these two cases don't have anything good, we might just open one cases in the future as a formality. Losing enthusiasm and wallets suffering T T!
Also, this time we tried using AI to add subtitles to help with YouTube's translation so that people from other countries can know what we're talking about, even though it's really pointless hahaha! Thank you all for your support!