1) On the red label diamonds I grew up on, two balls would get stuck in the jaws fairly regularly. It always caused a bit of a stir in the pool hall when someone saw it for the first time. Playing one pocket, you could remove the two balls when they were jawed in your opponent's hole.
2) Hit the rail first with straight bottom and send the object ball 4 rails toward your pocket. I applied a little unintended english, which is why the cue ball is spinning.
3) Your opponent has 3 balls close to their hole and they lay pretty good to be herded away. This is a simple two rail kick with running left english.
4) A two rail double-tickie kick that herds two balls away and sacrifices the hanging ball. Left english.
5) A one rail banana kick to sacrifice the hanging 3 ball. I took it one step further and hit it a little firmer than normal to get the cue ball in the stack since the "catcher's mitt" is intact. Bottom-left english.
6) Tough leave here and the only decent way to sacrifice the hanging ball is to billiard off of the ball in the side. No english required.
7) Your opponent needs one and you need two. A good shot here is to herd both balls by banking the 11 away and letting the cue ball billiard into the 5. Left english.
8) Your opponent needs one and you need two. Move both balls by banking the one across the face of the 13. A little bottom was used to send the cue ball on a good line up table.
9) Your opponent has the 10 ball in front of their pocket and you are hooked behind a ball. The 10 ball is in a good spot where it "lays big" for a cross over bank to your hole. A little running left english helps open the angle up.
10) A banana kick shot with bottom-right to remove the 6 ball.
11) Your opponent has two balls in front of their pocket with no decent way to kick at them or hide behind them. One option is to bank the 13 towards the balls with high karate, which will hopefully freeze the cue ball to the top rail and herd the object balls away. A high cue ball with a touch of left was used.
12) A timing carom shot. The 10 flicks the 5 on the way in, knocking the 5 slightly farther off the rail in order to be contacted again by the 10 on the way back. For a bonus and insurance, the cue ball was sent into the stack. Straight bottom was used.
13) A carom bank sending the 12 across the face of the 11. A bottom cue ball was used in order to get behind the 1 ball.
14) There are a lot of balls on your side, but they are tied up. Your opponent has a hanging ball, which presents danger to you. So you could either 1 rail kick the hanging ball in, or kill two birds with one stone with a billiard shot that rearranges the furniture. Staight top was used.
15) The 12 ball is in front of your opponent's hole without a direct path to it. One option is to sacrifice the 11 ball by caroming it off the 12 and sending the 12 to your side. I think it's worth sacrificing the 11 when you compare the position of the balls before and after.
16) Kick the 15 in with running right english and billiard into the 14 which lays good to send your cue ball safely into the stack.
17) The 11 lays a little too high to kick bank it towards your pocket, so kick into the bottom side of the 11 with the goal of going into the stack. A slight bit of running-right helps.
18) The 1 ball is in front of your opponent's hole, but lays really well for a billiard bank on the 11 towards your hole. The one ball is herded away and the cue ball runs three rails up table for cover. Bottom left was used.
19) The 10 ball is dead in your opponent's pocket and needs to be addressed. Sacrifice the 10, but turn defense into offense by sending the 12 to your side and hiding the cue ball in the stack. Bottom was used.
20) High karate (extreme top with speed) on the 10 in order to billiard the 14 in. The intent was to put the 1 ball in the way of the one rail kick, but looking back at the video, the one rail kick to pocket the 14 also looks playable.
21) Your opponent has their game ball hanging and you trail 7 to 6. In order to get back in the game you need to make the hanging ball and foul. Make the 12 ball with the 10, follow the 10 in, and scratch with the cue ball. Upon doing so, 3 balls spot and your opponent gets cue ball in the kitchen without an open shot. The score becomes 7 to 5 and you are back in the game.
22) Similar to the last shot, but this time send the 1 ball into the 11 and scratch in the side. The difference here is the 1 ball needs to end up in the kitchen so your opponent wont be able to shoot it.
23) Similar to the shot 22, but this time a scratch is difficult, so fly the cue ball off the table using an elevated cue and send the 14 into the kitchen. No english required.
24) Use bottom-right and send the cue ball 4 rails around the table leaving your opponent diagonally.
25) Similar to 24, but with bottom-left
26) Classic takeout with straight bottom
27) Try not to break anything