원어민이 아니라면 쉽게 쓰기 힘든, 나아가 오역하기 쉬운 only so many/much의 뉘앙스와 활용법을 알려드리려해요. 그리고 문법상 틀리지만 캐쥬얼한 구어체에서 원어민이 즐겨쓰는 'There's + 복수명사'에 대해서도 담았습니다.
1) There's only so much I can do.
2) There're only so many hours in a day.
3) There's only so much I can take.
4) We're off the clock. There's only so much work talk I can take.
5) Let's dive in. There's only so much time to get this done.
6) Just pick one, for God's sake!
There's only so much shopping we can do.
7) Slow down. There's only so much I can remember.
#미국식실전영어 #헷갈리는표현 #onlysomuch