23-10-01-THRU BRACKET Practice Models CHALLENGE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/PkXxZMgdokU?si=JrPYZPD0wlI52pU_
In today's #onshape #step-by-step #tutorial #tootalltoby shows us how to complete a #sheet #metal challenge by working from a #2d #drawing.
SolidWorks version of this tutorial:
0:00 INTRO
1:12 Start by PLANNING your 2D to 3D approach
3:44 Create a new public document in onshape
3:58 Sketch using Auto-Dimensions in Onshape
44:31 Use the Onshape Sheet Metal Extrude command
5:25 Customize the S key – add EDGE FLANGE
7:21 Create an Onshape Layout Sketch for lower flanges
7:59 Using the PARTIAL FLANGE option in Onshape sheet metal
9:20 Create FLANGE using layout sketch
9:47 Add Fillets and Hole to FLANGE
10:25 Create the CENTER SLOT cut
11:05 Chamfer, Fillet, Hole
12:20 Mirror Onshape Sheet Metal Part
12:43 Assign materials and check mass properties
12:59 Conclusion