Welcome back to another episode of Pokemon Heart Gold! Today we are going to be stumbling our way to Ecruteak to hopefully take on the fourth gym in our journey!
Bot Commands:
clip - 200pts - Saves the last 30 second replay of stream to my shorts folder!
Covfefe - free! posts the Twitter link in chat
discord - free! - Posts the discord link in chat
f - 500pts - Plays 10 seconds of Evening Colours
giftpoints - Give some of your points to another user!
help - free - lists out all the commands
L - 250pts - plays a short fanfare to highlight my L's
points - shows your current balance
potato - 1000pts - Replace my camera with a potato for 30 seconds!
potatosupreme - 10,000pts - replace my camera with a potato for 10 minutes!
quicksave - 50pts - Create a savestate of my emulator (only works on pokemon rn)
shots - 10,000pts - Make me take a shot!
spooky - 1000pts - plays a loud scream in my ears on a random timer
tts - 2500pts - Make my bot say something!
water - 200pts - keep me hydrated by making me drink more water!
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/FPYwQuTY2q