Open ai has just released there much awaited model that is Gpt 4.5 aka Orion. So how does that compare to the current best model that is 3.7 sonnet. Let's find out. We are comparing these models in reasoning , maths and coding and also image recognition. Follow the timestamps to more to your faviourite topic.
00:00 What the Price ?
01:00 - Which island is higher? (Reasoning)
01:49 - Letters Puzzle ( Reasoning)
02:24 - Grids Puzzle ( Reasoning)
03:09 - Connect the Dots ( Reasoning)
03:37 - 64 players Tennis ( Reasoning)
04:36 - Seating Arrangement ( Reasoning)
05:46 - Calendar Question (Maths)
06:14 - Geometry Problem ( Maths)
06:36 - Circle Shaded region ( Maths)
07:07 - Earnings Question ( Maths)
08:24 - Snake game -Hard ( Coding)
11:52 - Dragon webpage ( Coding)
12:42 - Super Mario (Coding)
15:04 - Falling Letters ( Coding)
15:49 - Ball in a Circle ( Coding)
16:43 - Earth Rotation (Coding)
17:15 - Pac Man The Game ( Coding)
19:48 - Image Test 1
20:13 - Image Test 2
21:01 - Roleplay
22:10 - Conclusion / Results