Hi Everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Today I have 5 letters that I wanna show you all!
They're all from:
❀ Anna in Germany, @contemplation_and_jade
❀ Yeong in South Korea, @penpal_yeong_
❀ Henna in Finland, @hennajasmine
❀ Lizzie in the UK, @lizziesletters
❀ Laura in Germany, @dodomails
As I have mentioned in my many of my previous videos, giving extra/gifts is not necessary at all in doing pen pal letters, please dont be discouraged and dont feel like you dont have enough stationary items to send a letter. I personally really appreciate the letter itself. The purpose of this video is never to show off/encourage you to have to have many stationary to do letters, it is mainly for showing my appreciation, and some might find idea/inspo through the video.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy it! :D
S O C I A L S:
♣︎ Instagram: @rookiejournal_
♣︎ email: indahtyaswinasis@gmail.com
My PO BOX address:
✻ If you want to send me a letter, you can send it to my PO BOX:
PO BOX 1149 Kota Bandung,
Jawa Barat 40111
✻ It's for PO BOX mails. Meaning that it doesn't mean we're automatically pen pals. But what I can promise you is I'll reply once to each of you :) trust me if I have the ability to take more penpals, I would! In saying that you can follow me on instagram for new pen pals intake updates.
✻ Please let me know if you're okay if I include your letter in my opening letters video (just for fun and inspo purpose only - any personal information will not be shown)
✻ I just got asked a lot about being a pen pal and I thought it'd be great platform if you still want to say hi or get a letter from me even though we're not pen pals
L I N K S:
♡ My Ultimate Pen Pal Guide video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhHiDW-OvXk&t=135s
C R E D I T S:
music by demon gummies @demongummies
study with raymond ~ 2 hours of relaxing animal crossing lofi music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCq7ySTR_Is&t=166s
Check out Demongummies Spotify (more releases coming soon ^_^) : https://open.spotify.com/artist/186Z7vh8tdbrO3V9ZZIMoJ - Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/demongummies and Instagram handle: @demongummies
E Q U I P M E N T S:
Camera: Canon M50
Tripod: Manfrotto (Bought it at JB-HiFi Australia)
Editing App: Adobe Premiere Pro