I have been thinking this over since I saw tweets saying OU was hard to use, or that it just sounded worse than UTAU.
So, I thought I'd make this to help out!
I am using a new editing program so I apologize for the unmodified audio
My template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SUFljnmNVcv_TFybB2FE3Miy6Vy5MM6L/view?usp=sharing
No need to credit, feel free to redistribute. it's 6 bytes like it's really not a big deal lol
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to put a comment, I will reply eventually :)
Banks I showed:
Fuwa Maria/Mario (by HIRA) https://auspicious-voice.tumblr.com/
Kumi Hitsuboku https://cubialpha.wixsite.com/koomstar
Bank creation tutorial i mentioned: https://youtu.be/oT6pYhgjnvo
OpenUtau wiki with tutorials: https://github.com/stakira/OpenUtau/wiki
Also see this for more information: http://www.openutau.com/
discord link: https://discord.gg/C38eFBNTwb
Please be polite and considerate. Thank you for your understanding.
If you're new to UTAU or thinking of moving to OpenUtau, and you're wondering what this program offers, here's a list of features OpenUtau has that UTAU doesn't:
- mac support
- 64-bit only system support
- audio file import support
- multiple singers at once/multi-track harmony support
- ghost note support
- many languages in interface
- no requirement to change system locale (though I do suggest doing this anyway, it isn't strictly needed)
- phonemizers
- AI banks (ENUNU/NNSVS) natively supported
- standard/modern piano roll editing
- pan slider
- 2 voicebank file locations
- encoding adjuster for voicebanks
- built-in frequency regeneration option
- above 8-bit integer limit oto entries (basically it allows the use of large/complex banks)
- multiple resampler support
- curve expression support (with worldline-r)
- automated append support
- piano roll portraits
- one-click note removal
- open source (if you dont know what that entails dw about it)
- ongoing, automatic updates
* some of these are possible in original utau with the help of plugins, but not many
'utau ran so openutau could sprint'
- Hako, 2023
Big thanks to the developers on this project, esp StAkira, maiko, oxygen dioxide, lotte, kiyoteru, astel, all of yalls
0:00 Intro/Preface
1:36 How Utau banks work
12:37 Locale changing
13:27 installation
14:41 backups
14:52 what is the cache
15:12 what are the logs for
15:51 about plugins
16:24 resamplers
17:01 singers folder
18:29 templates... pt 1
18:46 wavtools (not much to talk about here)
19:00 process to start a project/how to use template pt.2
19:26 basic menu usage
20:35 phonemisers
21:25 renderer choice
21:46 parts
22:10 piano roll basic menu functions
26:03 pitch copying shenanigans
26:44 vibrato
27:03 quantization
27:33 misc note tricks
27:53 plugin menu (part)
28:18 tail notes
28:47 quantization pt 2 electric boogaloo
29:10 various reset functions
29:30 envelope edits
30:04 turn the grey tuning into pink tuning
30:20 expressions/flags
31:50 editing lyrics
32:29 note defaults
32:53 multi track functions
33:08 installing singers/banks
33:35 singers menu
35:51 built in oto editor
36:41 alias/phoneme editing
37:03 freq reset function
37:40 help me(nu)
37:56 how to make a good bug report
38:19 how to clear the cache
38:30 debug window
38:50 preferences menu
39:04 secondary singer path
39:37 render settings
40:07 AI related settings
40:21 interface language changer
40:51 portrait on piano roll
41:12 importing audio tracks, scroll settings
41:30 simplest resampler setup
41:39 chad resampler setup
42:26 various import methods
43:06 exporting audio
43:48 exporting a project (super simple)
44:28 final thoughts
45:46 how to take a screenshot (instead of a photo of a dusty laptop...)
46:00 thanks for watching!