Opera Singer Reacts to Dimash Kudaibergen (Sinful Passion) - Dimash Journey
LONG VIDEO.... sorry guys it’s been so long since I’ve done a regular reaction/analysis that I got REALLY carried away. 👁👄👁 especially since it’s Dimash. So I don’t get super heavy on technique but I do rant on about how singers need to protect themselves from singing really emotional pieces and how to navigate achieving that while still not ripping your cords out every time you sing.
I hope you enjoy!
For Voice Lessons:
*Twitter* https://twitter.com/angelazzarra
*Instagram* https://tinyurl.com/we45o5an & https://tinyurl.com/tngzohv
*Website* https://angelazzarra.com/
Produced by Angel Azzarra and Claudia Encinas
Music by ninjoi. - Acceptance - https://thmatc.co/?l=B8A737E
#dimashkudaibergen #opera #classicalmusic #singer