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#倫敦橋行動 #英國王室
00:00 開頭
01:06 【圖文不符】廣告段落
01:56 什麼是「倫敦橋行動」?
02:56 「倫敦橋行動」計畫開始!
03:58 D Day 到 D + 10
05:26 「倫敦橋行動」結束,新時代來臨?
06:20 為什麼要使用代號?
07:18 其他王室成員的葬禮有代號嗎?
08:05 我們的觀點
08:58 問題
09:18 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→D-Day!英國政府啟動「倫敦橋行動」因應女王駕崩 西敏宮停靈三天:https://bit.ly/3ggpAl3
→英國女王駕崩》「倫敦橋行動」計畫啟動 直到喪禮舉行的10天期間要做這些事:https://bit.ly/3VCRCrr
→女王駕崩「倫敦橋」計畫啟動 西敏宮停靈3天:https://bit.ly/3TGbckN
→King Charles III: What happens next and when will he be crowned?:https://yhoo.it/3eK0rii
→Inside the Royal Family's secret code-word system:https://bit.ly/3eMIGik
→Operation London Bridge - Wiki:https://bit.ly/3saFj81
【 延伸閱讀 】
→Operation London Bridge: What happens now the Monarch has died?:https://bit.ly/3eLhUqF
→What are Operation Unicorn, Operation London Bridge and Operation Spring Tide? The secret plan outlining what would happen if the Queen dies in →Scotland - and what happens next:https://bit.ly/3EYOUqk
→Operation London Bridge Reveals What Happens When The Queen Dies:https://bit.ly/3Dcv6OF
→Britain’s plan for when Queen Elizabeth II dies:https://politi.co/3TagCVb
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