The film consists of three short stories, united by the figure of the main character Shurik - a rustic, but resilient and resourceful student. Shurik is distinguished by the fact that he constantly gets into some unusual stories, but thanks to his easy attitude to life, he turns any situation into a fun adventure.
IMDb rating: 8.5
Year of production: 1965
Director: Gaidai Leonid
Screenwriters: Yakov Kostyukovsky, Leonid Gaidai, Maurice Slobodskoy
Composer: Alexander Zatsepin
Cinematographer: Konstantin Brovin
Production Designer: Artur Berger
Cast: Vitsin Georgiy, Smirnov Alexei, Pugovkin Mikhail, Nikulin Yuri, Demyanenko Alexander, Selezneva Natalia, Morgunov Evgeny, Pavlov Viktor, Basov Vladimir, Vladislavsky Vladimir, Kravchunovskaya Maria, Rautbart Vladimir