00:01 ;machine parts
04:56 ; Control Panel
08:00 ; Knobs & buttons
16:36 ; Starting Exam
17:00 ; Probe selection
21:05 ; Type of study
23:11 ; Length & type of Saving clips (prospective vs retrospective)
33:10 ; ECG setup
33:15 ; Utilities
33:45 ; Utilities-physiology
35:42 ; Utilities - respiratory variation
36:10 ; Knobology of 2-D Optimizing
37:30 ; Chroma map
38:38 ; Harmonic
39:59 ; Gray map
41:02 ; Xres (speckle reduction)
43:10 ; Gain (TGC, general gain…)
44:47 ; Zoom & magnifying
45:56 ; Depth & focus
46:54 ; 2-D Opt (Hp;HG;HR)
48:38 ; Compression (Dynamic range)
50:12 ; Persistence
51:00 ; Output (power)
54:07 ; Sector width
55:08 ; Info on monitor
57:07 ; Elevational compounding
58:00 ; Saving Preset