When you first start your journey into the orchid world, the names and many types of orchids become rapidly overwhelming. Orchid identification isn’t hard to understand, and once you do, you’ll find it a lot easier to distinguish the basic growth patterns and can provide better orchid care for each species.
In this video you’ll learn:
How knowing what each genus is will help you
How to identify each orchid (the common ones)
How to correctly know a genus and species
In this video, you won’t learn how to care for each orchid.
Care guides would require four to six pages of written instructions for each genus and this video would soon become way too large.
Why learn what genus and species an orchid is? What benefit can you get from that? When you learn to identify the most common orchids and how they are different from each other, your understanding of how to care for them will drastically change.
The benefit of proper orchid care is not only for your orchid: your wallet will thank you too. Many times, greenhouses and floral shops will have non-flowering plants with no ID tags on them for a substantive monetary discount—quite a big sale.
Since these orchids are not in blossom, they’re harder to sell. If they don’t sell, they’ll have to provide another year’s care for them, which means less profit for the greenhouse.
If you can identify the plant without the flower in blossom, you’ll save a bundle of money and be able to care for your orchid better.
When orchids are in full bloom, they have used up most of their energy. Any new environmental change that will cost them energy is detrimental to their health.
Let’s take a look at the most commonly sold orchids:
and Paphiopedilums,
because they will be the ones without the proper ID tag. Sometimes, the name of the grower is replaced by the genus of the orchid, so most new orchid hobbyists won’t know which orchid they have.
If you want the full explanation of this video in writing, go to https://orchideria.com/orchid-identification/
On Orchideria.com, you can find more in-depth guides and all the access to our information, tutorials, guides, and much more... all for free!
Happy Cultivating!
#orchidcare #orchid #Orchideria #AmandaMatthews
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Instagram (Amanda Matthews): https://www.instagram.com/amanda_june_matthews/
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IMAGE CREDITS: 90% of the images on this video are mine. Since I didn't have all the orchids in bloom at the time I filmed, I decided to add a few other pictures from different media platforms. As always, I cite the photographers and creators of these pictures. For this video, I would like to thank the visual creators: "Dendrobium nobile" by blumenbiene, "Dendrobium" by Shaun@KL, "Paphiopedilum - Black Beauty" by LadyDragonflyCC , and "Paphiopedilum Cindy Ann Eickhoff" by D.Eickhoff.