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MoonAu+ 45,802 2 weeks ago
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ORDER form ultrakill Lyrics Trampled by heavens heel Silenced by sword and steel Death by the hand, of empty hollow words, unjust Is a finite sin deserving, of a fate so cruel unfurlling Rivers of souls wail unto me avenge avenge avenge burst from the beast belly Free'd for a cost so heavy Forced to endure destruction by mine hands My kin They who call themselves so holy Undeserving and unworthy Slain by their blade, death calls unto thy name, distain. Horrid winds all blow, pass me about, this fools display of shame and doubt, a price too high a cost too great, they weeped unto my name forgive my Inane efforts, shortsighted methods, gods hand despises these lost transgressors, regret I feel, repeat no more, the bell it tolls Unto their ruling. Angel of tyranny, retribution draws near see by thy demise a new dawn shall arise come forth and DIE JUDGEMENT SHALL REIGN NO DOUBT (DOUBT) SPARE NO GRACE THY SHALL FACE (HELL) LOST TO THEE (Ever growing malice) BLOOD SPILLED BY (actions ever callous) VENGEANCE SERVED (humanities keeper) HYMNS OF THE (down trodden weepers) RIGHTEOUS WRATH FINAL PATH WORDS NO MORE SPLAY THY GORE BRING FORTH, THY STRENGTH IN DEATH ,REPENT WEEP AND LAMENT EMBRACE JUDGEMENT JU-STICE SERVED TO HU-MA-NI-TIES PLIGHT (OR FALL) LISTEN TO THEIR CALL HOLDING ON DESPERATE HOLDING UNTO THE LIGHT SOULS THEY BELLOW DRY, WRETCHED EMPTY HOLLOW WISHES WHO SHALL BE THE ONE TO LEAD, THEM UNTO THEIR LIFELINE? VENGANCE SHALL COME SWIFTLY BE IT ANGEL OF GOD OR MACHINE WRITHING IN PAIN FATALLY STRUCK AND MAIMED PROFANE RECKONING IT SHALL FOLLOW GABRIEL YOU WILL WALLOW PEACE LOST TO ORDERS, DEAD BY HIS ABCENSE LISTEN YOU WILL- NOT ESCAPE, THIS GRIZZLY FATE AN EYE FOR EYE, YOUR BLOOD SHALL SATE THIS GROWING THIRST MORTAL DEMAND ORDER RESTORED THE TIME AT HAND NOW- PERISH BEFORE THE WRATH OF MAN CACOPHONIES OF SOULS ALL COMMAND THY END THIS DAY THY DUES BE PAYED YET MANS CREATION STANDS BEFORE THIS DUTY Look unto me machine, thy hands are soiled and unclean, defiled and stained This place shall be thy grave, REMAIN PREPARE JUDGEMENT SHALL REIGN NO DOUBT (DOUBT) SPARE NO GRACE THY SHALL FACE (HELL) LOST TO THEE (Ever growing malice) BLOOD SPILLED BY (actions ever callous) VENGEANCE SERVED (humanities keeper) HYMNS OF THE (down trodden weepers) STRIKE THEE DOWN FATE SEALED NOW FEEL NO FEAR PERSEVERE YIELD I WILL NOT GIVE ALL IVE GOT LIVES ON THE LINE THIS PAINS BENIGN WILL NOT FALTER HERE I MUST PREVAIL (DONT FAIL) GIVE NOT TO DESPAIR IF I DIE HERE WILL NOT THEIR HOPE ALL BURN AWAY? FORGIVE ME, (MY CHILDREN) MY EFFORTS, WERE ALL CAST IN DISMAL VAIN FORSAKEN BY THE WORLD THAT HELD ON FORSAKEN BY THE ONE Trampled by machines heel Silenced by arms of steel Death by the hand of man's prime creation, Undone Was this sullen fate deserving Of a cruel gift all unfurling Joined with the whole, this river takes us all We fall, I fall Thank you for listening!
