Ordering What the Person in Front Ordered!
In today's video we order what the person in front of us ordered. We each take turns picking a card with a restaurant name on it. We have to order from that place and the person that drew the card has to eat all the food of the previous order. Who hates their food, who gives up on the challenge, and who eats everything in their order winning the competition?
Check out our Previous Video - LAST to Leave the TRACK WiNS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV-9l8eg0DA&pp=ygULc290eSBmYW1pbHk%3D
Jordan Matter has a fun new video! @jordanmatter - OVERNIGHT in WORLD'S LARGEST MALL *24 Hour Challenge* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dbZUuSqJDs&pp=ygUNam9yZGFuIG1hdHRlcg%3D%3D
Watch our friends The Ohana Adventure! @theohanaadventure - Last to LEAVE their SECRET ROOM & doesn't get CAUGHT! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVLIrJBryLQ&pp=ygUPb2hhbmEgYWR2ZW50dXJl
Check out FUN SQUAD FAMILY! @FunSquadFamily - My Daughter Goes MISSING and Chooses a NEW Family - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oADudO6kxlc&pp=ygUQZnVuIHNxdWFkIGZhbWlseQ%3D%3D
We LOVE NEN FAM'S new video @nenfam - My THREE Daughters get their DREAM CARS!! *EMOTIONAL* 🚘 🥹 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAoctfDAp3o&t=16s&pp=ygUHbmVuIGZhbQ%3D%3D
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Shot of The Yeagers: https://www.youtube.com/@soty
SOTY Animations: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYANIMATION
Stephen Yeager: https://www.youtube.com/@StephenYeager
Taylor Kaylynn: https://www.youtube.com/@TaylorKaylynn
Just 4 Girls: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYSISTERS
SOTY Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYGaming
Stephen Yeager Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTPSp15Kmwe0G4ssEROBuA
Website: https://www.shotoftheyeagers.com/
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