This video explains how to make Orihime and Hikoboshi made from origami.
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*Unauthorized copying of how to make this origami is strictly prohibited.
Head: 15×15 (black)
Body: 15×15 (2 side colored with pink and red/ you can fold overlaying 2 origami)
Robe: 15×15 (light pink)
Face: 7.5×7.5 (beige)
Star: a quarter of 7.5×7.5 origami (yellow)
Body: 15×15 (2 side colored with sky blue and blue/ you can fold overlaying 2 origami)
Head: 7.5×7.5 (black)
Face: 7.5×7.5 (beige)
Headgear: a quarter of 7.5×7.5 origami (blue)
glue, scissors, tape
In Japan, there exists an seasonal event called “Tanabata” on July 7th which is based on the legend of Ori-Hime and Hiko-Boshi.
There are various festivals and events all over Japan during the season.
It is said that if you write a wish on a paper and put it on bamboo grass on the day of Tanabata, it will come true so you can see bamboo grass with papers all over Japan.