One of a group of unaccompanied motets by Bruckner (the most famous being Locus iste) Os justi is a little gem, unfolding gradually over 5 minutes of sweeping dynamics and delicious suspensions.
Recorded in St Augustine, Kilburn by kind permission of the Vicar & Churchwardens.
Sopranos: Fiona Fraser, Hannah King, Victoria Meteyard, Josephine Stephenson, Katie Trethewey, Emma Walshe
Altos: Hannah Cooke, Martha McLorinan, Eleanor Minney, Elisabeth Paul
Tenors: Jeremy Budd, Nicholas Madden, Nicholas Todd, Toby Ward
Basses: Joseph Edwards, William Gaunt, Andrew Mahon, Owain Park, Simon Whiteley
Produced by Jonathan Coates.
安东·布鲁克纳(Anton Bruckner)-奥斯蒂(Os justi)-特内布雷(Tenebrae),由奈杰尔·肖特(Nigel Short)指挥
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