OSD Audio In-Ceiling Speaker Shootout - R62EZ vs ACE650 vs ACE670
Buy on OSD's website:
R62EZ: https://bit.ly/OSDR62EZ
ACE650: https://bit.ly/OSDACE650-OSD
ACE670: https://bit.ly/OSDACE670
Buy on Amazon
R62EZ: (not currently available on Amazon)
ACE650: https://bit.ly/OSDACE650
ACE670: https://bit.ly/OSDAce670
You want to know how to choose in-ceiling speakers and what to look for specifically when trying to find the best in-ceiling speakers for your specific use-case? You've come to the right video!
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Crutchfield: https://howl.me/ckjnBvmnd5M
Best Buy: https://howl.me/ckjoam20vaE
Target: https://howl.me/ckjoaHc0z1l
Disclosure: The Affiliate links above earn me a commission if you purchase using those links. This is at no additional cost to you. This product was sent free for the purpose of this review.