Hey friends! I wanted to update y'all about some recent developments in my pregnancy. We're in the home stretch! A few weeks ago we got some news about baby boy, that he has ventriculomegaly (enlarged lateral ventricles in his brain). It was jarring at first but we have total peace that God is working good through and from this! As our baby's yet-to-be-revealed name says, he truly is a gift from God! :) Please join us in praying for his complete healing.
-Malori with Black Rifle Homestead
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⭐ Needing a healthy baby formula? Try out Mt. Capra goat milk formula kit 👉 https://bit.ly/3Nc9x35
⭐ Avoid plastic baby bottles with Mason Bottle! Use code 903EDX3DHE 👉 https://masonbottle.com/?ref=MALORIMAYOR
⭐ Purchase quality heirloom seeds from True Leaf Market! 👉 https://bit.ly/TLMblackriflehomestead
⭐ One of my favorite gardening resources 👉 https://garden.org/apps/
⭐ Our favorite water filtration system, Berkey - no electricity required! 👉 https://bit.ly/3qlaYAV
⭐ My Patriot Supply - get your emergency food supply here 👉 https://bit.ly/38yobCN
⭐ Greenkstalk vertical garden - get $10 off $75+ order! 👉 https://bit.ly/greenstalkBRH
⭐ Buy organic food in bulk from Azure Standard 👉 https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=efc119fba2
⭐ Catholic gifts for kids - Shining Light Dolls, new customers use code BLACKRIFLEHOMESTEAD for 10% off 👉 shininglightdolls.com/blackriflehomestead
⭐ Get $30 off your first Butcher Box! 👉 http://rwrd.io/7z5u52t?c
⭐ Have potassium iodide on hand in case of nuclear attacks 👉 https://iherb.co/qLKYmD1 (See CDC website for proper dosing info: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/ki.htm)
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#ventriculomegaly #highriskpregnancy #pregnancyupdate #prolife