In this episode, join Kyle and I as we kayak one of Oregon’s true gems: The Deschutes Wild and Scenic river corridor. Along the way we find an Osprey nest, track beaver and otter, and some enjoy peaceful solitude and scenery. What makes experiences like this possible? The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
To learn a bit more about the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, we also meet up with Erik Fernadez from Oregon Wild, a nonprofit group protecting wild and scenic rivers and other special places throughout Oregon. Along the way, Erik explains the importance of Wild and Scenic Rivers’ ‘Outstanding and Remarkable Values’ –those values that will be protected when Congress designates a new federally-protected Wild and Scenic River.
The unprecedented Wild and Scenic River Act of 1968 protects some of the Nation’s most prized possessions: free flowing rivers that maintain biodiversity, provide for recreation, and safeguard historic and cultural values. Over 12,700 miles of rivers are protected in over 40 states.
WHERE THE WILD ROAM seeks to educate and inform audiences about wildlife and wild places in a new way –with an adventurous, heartfelt, and hosted show that’s free to stream across social media.
Whether you like to hunt, hike, camp, flyfish, paddle, raft or kayak whitewater, mountain bike, backpack, bird watch, or simply enjoy the outdoors, we can all agree that we need to protect wild places and wildlife.
Throughout our first season, we will be highlighting wildlife wild places, and wildlife habitat including: Grasslands, wolves, Wild and Scenic rivers, the Sierra Nevada, palm deserts, Owyhee Canyonlands, and redwood forests.