Every few months, I asked our Instagram Audience (@Chad_ErinPaine) to submit questions for us to answer in a Q&A. We review them all and choose some of the most frequently asked questions or the ones we believe we can provide encouraging answers to.
Our hope is to always be an encouragement to those around us and we hope this Q&A Session will encourage you today!
The questions we’ll discuss in this Q&A include:
1. How is Erin’s Mom doing?
2. Why is Carson being called Charles?
3. What nutrients should I prioritize in my health?
4. Has it been a difficult adjustment moving into a neighborhood?
5. Did you find a home for the goats?
6. Will you be doing renovating and decorating videos for your new home? (Possibly a home tour?)
7. Why did you start making tallow? How did you start making tallow? How do you use the tallow balm?
8. The best motherhood tips for an overwhelmed mama?
9. I'm struggling to get into my Bible. Any recommendations?
Items Mentioned:
Chip Ingram’s Daily Discipleship - https://livingontheedge.org/daily-discipleship-2/
Erin’s Whipped Tallow Balm - https://www.chadanderin.com/product/whipped-tallow-balm/
Be sure to let us know in the comments if you think Erin should continue more videos on some of these topics, as well as to share your questions with us for a future video! We love hearing from you and are grateful for you!
Be Encouraged,
Chad + Erin
#Family #Health #Care #NewHome #Skincare #Names #School #Nutrition #Wellness #Tallow #Encouragement #Foods #Parenting #QA #FYP #animals #farm #tour #faith #bible #chipingram