薏仁銀耳露|銀耳湯的絕佳新配方,養顏美容又提升免疫力,快鍋、電鍋作法一次教給你! Our New Recipe for White Wood Ear Soup
White Wood Ear Soup Recipe/ Snow Fungus Soup Recipe/ Chinese Snow Ear Soup Recipe
How to Make White Fungus Soup with Job’s Tears
繁體中文 /简体中文 / English subtitled
00:00 薏仁銀耳露開場 Intro
00:22 薏仁銀耳露食材 Ingredients of white wood ear soup
02:26 薏仁銀耳露快鍋煮法 How to make white wood ear soup w/ a pressure cooker
05:59 薏仁銀耳露電鍋煮法 How to make white wood ear soup w/ a rice cooker
07:06 薏仁銀耳露相關討論 Discussion about white wood ear soup
😍 大家好,我是芬姐!「薏仁銀耳露」是夏日美白護膚的聖品,也是在疫情時候的顧肺良方。芬姐2歲的時候,除夕夜肺炎高燒數日,就是用這碗銀耳露開啟食慾,清涼又退火喔!這次「台菜一姐」把多年來的獨家配方分享給大家,不論有沒有快鍋,都可以輕鬆做這碗養顏美容的養生甜湯喔。
💛銀耳 50克(水 4000~4500cc)
💛薏仁 2米杯(水 4米杯)
💛黑棗 5顆
💛紅棗 3顆
💛枸杞 15顆
💛冬瓜露(磚) 100克(依喜好)
💛銀耳 25克 (水 2000~2500cc)
💛薏仁 1米杯(水 2米杯)
💛黑棗 3顆
💛紅棗 2顆
💛枸杞 10顆
💛冬瓜露(磚) 50克(依喜好)
👉5. (1)快鍋版:煮滾後蓋鍋蓋,小火煮20分鐘。(2)電鍋版:依上述份量,電鍋外鍋1杯水,跳起後悶30分鐘,反覆2次。
👉9.冰過的薏仁銀耳露更好吃喔! 可依個人喜好加入鮮奶一起吃。
出處 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/white-fungus#potential-benefits
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😍 芬姐的臉書 My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huifen.liu.374
"White Wood Ear Soup” (Serves:16 to 20)
💛 White wood ear 50g (water 4000~4500cc)
💛 Job’s tears 1 cup (with 2 cups of water)
💛 3 black dates
💛 2 red dates
💛 10 goji berries
💛 Winter melon tea (brick) 50g (according to your likes)
"White Wood Ear Soup” (Serves: 8 to 10)
💛 White wood ear 25g (water 2000~2500cc)
💛 Job’s tears 2 cups (with 4 cups of water)
💛 5 black dates
💛 3 red dates
💛 15 goji berries
💛 Winter melon tea (brick) 100g (according to your likes)
👉1. First wash the job’s tears with water 2~3 times, add half a tablespoon of salt to wash them and then rinse with water 2~3 times.
👉2. Separately cook the job’s tears. Job’s tears: water=1:2. Add 1 cup of water to the outer pot of the electric pot, continue to steam for 30 minutes after the rice cooker is off, repeat the procedure 2 times.
👉3. Soak the white wood ears and cut them into pieces. Put white wood ears and water into the cooker you have (choose a pressure cooker or a rice cooker).
👉4. Cut the red dates and black dates and put them into the cooker.
👉5. (1) Pressure cooker version: After boiling, cover the pot and simmer for 20 minutes. (2) Rice cooker version: Add 1 cup of water in the outer pot of the rice cooker, steam for 30 minutes after the rice cooker if off, repeat the procedure twice.
👉6. Put winter melon tea (brick) into the soup, cover the lid and cook for 10 minutes. (If you use a rice cooker, transfer the pot to a stove to cook.)
👉7. Put the goji berries and steamed job’s tears into the soup, and boil them together. (If you use a rice cooker, transfer the pot to a stove to cook.)
👉8. Use winter melon tea to adjust the sweetness of your preference.
👉9. Iced white wood ear soup is more delicious! You can also put fresh milk on top of the soup, it’s quite nutritious!
Nutrition of white wood ears:
💛Tremella polysaccharide
💛Dietary fiber
💛Trace elements
Researches show potential benefits of white wood ears:
💛Boost the immunity
💛Strengthen the brain, strengthen the heart
💛Relieve constipation
💛Improve skin texture
💛Help stabilize blood sugar
#白木耳湯 #銀耳湯 #木耳露 #白木耳露 #銀耳紅棗枸杞湯 #養生 #白木耳 #銀耳 #雪耳 #滋補 #溫補 #清涼 #甜點 #甜品 #補品 #甜湯 #中式甜點 #台式 #素食 #冬瓜露 #冬瓜茶 #台式料理食譜 #電鍋料理 #銀耳枸杞紅棗湯 #DIY #recipe #薏仁 #薏仁湯
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