Our wedding day finally arrived! I still filmed and edited this like a regular vlog, it’s a bit different to a regular wedding video, so I really hope you enjoy it. The Dress: 4:42, The Vows: 14:40, The First Kiss: 20:25, The Party: 27:57 ► SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/VlogsWithPia ► http://www.instagram.com/piamuehlenbeck ► http://www.instagram.com/vato NOTE: This video/wedding was NOT sponsored, but here are some helpful links to our dream team. The Bride and Groom wore: ► http://www.instagram.com/pallascouture ► http://www.instagram.com/suavebespoke The Celebrant ► http://www.instagram.com/peterbraycelebrant Photos and Video ► http://www.instagram.com/samevanslife ► http://www.instagram.com/jarradseng ► http://www.instagram.com/matjoez ► http://www.instagram.com/alexhayes ► http://www.instagram.com/robmulally ► http://www.instagram.com/edringwood ► https://www.instagram.com/soasepp The Wedding ► http://www.instagram.com/byronbayweddings (ask for Sihanie) ► https://www.instagram.com/bowerbotanicals ► https://www.instagram.com/figtreerestaurant ► https://instagram.com/jason_gray_magician ► https://instagram.com/marinamachadocakes ► https://instagram.com/barney_martin_hair 🎧 Get the music we use in our vlogs for your videos: https://goo.gl/iWaA6f Additional songs in this vlog by http://www.youtube.com/joakimkarud -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⭐️ PIA MUEHLENBECK ⭐️ http://www.piamuehlenbeck.com.au MY STORE: http://www.slinkii.com http://www.instagram.com/piamuehlenbeck http://www.facebook.com/piamuehlenbeck.verified http://www.twitter.com/piamuehlenbeck ⭐️ KANE VATO ⭐️ http://www.kanevato.com http://www.instagram.com/vato http://www.facebook.com/kanevatofilm http://www.twitter.com/kanevato ⭐️ WHAT GEAR DO I SHOOT WITH? ⭐️ http://www.kit.com/kanevato -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: [email protected] MANAGEMENT: 22 Management: [email protected] MAILING ADDRESS: PIA MUEHLENBECK & KANE VATO Suite 9, 224 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010 AUSTRALIA