"Out of the Box with Jack Nadel" archived television episode, featuring an interview with Julia Child, best known as the an American chef, author, and television personality, recognized for bringing French cuisine to the American public with her debut cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," and subsequent television programs, most notable of which was "The French Chef."
Out of the Box with Jack Nadel, a television series hosted by global entrepreneur, business author and philanthropist Jack Nadel, founder of Jack Nadel International. All shows originally aired on an ABC affiliate station located in Santa Barbara, California, and ran consecutively for 5 years from 1996 - 2001. Weekly episodes, with television host Jack Nadel, featured interviews with celebrity and high-profile guests that addressed important business and social issues and highlighted those dedicating themselves to providing a positive impact on the local community and beyond.
To watch more videos, discover valuable business books and learn more about entrepreneur and author Jack Nadel, visit http://JackNadel.com/