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For the majority of women, there are no effective methods to screen for ovarian cancer. Memorial Sloan Kettering experts discuss how important it is for women to carefully monitor any changes that occur in their bodies that might be symptoms of ovarian cancer. The four most common symptoms of ovarian cancer are bloating; pelvic or abdominal pain; difficulty eating or feeling full quickly; and urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency).
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Let’s start off with ovarian cancer. We hear a lot about it being particularly deadly because it tends not to cause specific symptoms. Let’s talk about ovary cancer detection, screening, who is at risk and what should we do with it.
Doctor Hensley, would you like to start off?
Sure, ovary cancer does have a reputation of being difficult to diagnose in early stage. Around three quarters of women diagnosed with ovary cancer are in stage three or stage four at the time of diagnosis.
By that we mean the cancer has left the ovaries and spread into the upper abdomen or invaded into distant organs like the liver of the lung.
Also the chances of being cured for cancer is linked to the stage in ovary cancer. If the cancer is diagnosed in early stage, then the chances of cure is greater.