The age is turning! Saints, awake!
The Lord returns to judgment make!
Behind the scenes our God is reigning,
Heaven’s will on earth attaining.
Don’t with past gains be satisfied;
Recalculate in judgment’s light.
The world forsake, with its ties; leave all behind.
“Who will overcome?” “Lord, here am I!”
Overcomers, steadfast in heart,
From the Lamb’s lead never depart.
Love with all our heart, all our strength, faithful to death;
Serve in resurrection fragrantly.
Christ, the church—life’s meaning we see;
We’ll spend all our being gladly,
Build God’s temple and city grand, God one with man;
New Jerus’lem radiant be!
As we pursue, and trials face,
Your sov’reign mercy we can trace.
We’re open vessels, consecrated.
Living Spring, come permeate us.
Inscribe Your law, our mind renew;
Come sanctify us wholly, too.
We’ll watch, buy oil now, “today,” feast’s entrance gain;
Virgins, echo You—“O Lord, come soon!”
Today You call for instruments
Who will respond, Your heart reprint,
Be vital, fervent, overcoming,
Time redeeming ev’ry instant.
As stewards, timely food dispense;
As servants, wisely to invest;
Perfected, functioning, we build corp’rately,
Blend, coordinate, new man to be.
These final days, Your call we heed,
As remnants, standing mightily.
The arrow’s fired; the fight’s decided;
The white horse in triumph rideth.
High gospel to all earth declare!
We’ll migrate, spread, His witness bear;
We’ll forward race with bold strides, stake our whole lives,
Kingdom’s entrance share, glory fore’er!