the spirit of lust has this generation in a chokehold... but it's not stronger than GOD! thankfully, God delivered me from it 🥹🙌🏾 I pray that through my testimony, He delivers you from it as well. if you can beat lust you can beat anything! let's break those chains in the name of Jesus!
verses mentioned:
prov 14:12
1 cor 6:18-20
romans 6:12-14
col 3:2
james 4:7
isaiah 41:10
song of the day!
breakin' away - commissioned
my playlists!
praise 🎶
christian r&b 🎶
how old am i?
what's my job?
entrepreneur/fashion designer
what school did i go to?
UC Berkeley
what's my denomination?
non denominational
00:00 intro
00:42 song of the day
00:52 let’s talk about it!
01:26 why is masturbation such a taboo topic in the church?
02:00 my mini testimony
02:48 why masturbation is indeed a sin
04:46 knowing right from wrong
06:00 sin breeds sin
06:15 shame is not of God!
06:37 satan’s schemes
06:55 turn to God, even when you feel unworthy
07:25 how satan gets us under his trap
08:42 God wants us free, satan wants us enslaved to sin
09:07 strongholds = addictions
09:47 steps to overcome lust
10:07 1. cry out to God in repentance
10:28 2. RUN FROM IT
11:08 3. cast lustful thoughts down with scripture
11:41 4. do not let sin control your life
12:43 5. if your right hand causes you to sin… CUT IT OFF
12:59 6. don’t go into the lions den and expect to not get eaten
13:45 7. understand your triggers and set boundaries
14:00 8. cut out toxic, hypersexual media
15:24 9. keep your focus on things that please God
15:49 10. be led by the spirit
16:05 do you honor God enough to deny your flesh?
16:32 your flesh doesn’t care about you!
17:12 to love what God loves, and hate what he hates
17:32 present your body as a living sacrifice
18:23 let God work!!!
19:21 submit to God 100%
20:01 outro
#faithtalk #lightheworld
Christian podcast, Christianity, faith talks, bible study, how to get closer to God, overcoming lust, breaking free from sexual sin, overcoming masturbation, word of encouragement, Jesus is king, Jesus loves you, how to be a young Christian, daily word, staying pure, purity, honouring God, living a holy life, holiness, praise, worship