Today's video is a walking tour round my North Lincolnshire UK tropical style jungle garden talking about overwintering & winter care tips for my exotic garden plants. Featuring my big summer display leaves like Gunnera manicata, Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' and Musa basjoo banana plants plus Cannas, some of which come inside over winter, others in the polytunnel / greenhouse and others receive winter protection from leaves and fleece through to other exotics like hardy palms & Dicksonia antartica tree ferns which stay outside and may require protection during exceptional freezes and hard frosts as winter progresses. I hope a lot of the advice helps you out, especially if you've added new plants to your tropical garden this or are a beginner gardener just starting your jungle garden adventure! Please see my plant overwintering playlist for more plant-specific winter care guides and tips and as always, if you've got any questions about these or other plants, just leave a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Overwintering Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' red banana plants:
Full UK Dicksonia antartica winter care guide:
Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex' Winter Care Tips:
Overwintering Colocasia esculenta elephant ears tropical plants:
When to overwinter tropical style garden plants:
5 Exotic Garden Winter Care Mistakes:
Heavy duty fleece jackets - winter frost & freeze protection for large specimen palms & exotics:
0:00 Intro
0:57 U.K. Tropical Style Jungle Garden Overwintering Tour
2:45 Tetrapanax Winter Care & Borinda papyrifera blue bamboo
4:41 Dicksonia antartica tree fern UK winter care tips
6:36 Musa basjoo banana plant overwintering & winter care tips
9:40 Salvia 'Amistad' & concolor winter care - lifting, mulching or cuttings
11:11 Hedychium ginger plants & potted tropical cannas overwintering / winter care
12:50 Ensete ventricosum maurelii & Alocasia tender plants overwintering
16:50 Fatsia polycarpa & japonica winter care advice
18:13 Zantedeschia 'Hercules' & 'White Giant' winter care tips
19:13 Overwintering lessons for small Dicksonia tree ferns
20:47 UK Jungle Garden area with Hardy & Easy Exotic Plants
22:06 Overwintering & tips for dry storing Colocasia bulbs over winter
23:39 Winter care tips for growing tender Begonia luxurians as a houseplant
25:09 Winter care tips for overwintering Gunnera manicata / cryptica
27:56 Canna winter care - dig up & lift or leave & mulch?
29:43 Persicaria 'Red Dragon' & Begonia grandis - easy overwintering plants!
31:29 Tetrapanax & Musa basjoo overwintering changes after a cold winter
34:34 Butia eriospatha hardy feather palm winter care & damage
39:01 Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' giant bamboo winter care tips
38:37 Hardy palms I don't protect - Jubaea chilensis
40:58 Dasylirion arid plant overwintering experiment
41:51 Hardy evergreen exotic structure plant Euphorbia pasteurii 'John Phillips'
42:27 Winter care for my seed grown Aloe polyphylla
43:20 Tough yuccas & hardy exotic palms in my raised Mediterranean garden beds
44:11 Butyagrus eriospatha hybrid palm experiment in cold winter climate
45:33 Very tough & hardy Yuccas, Agaves & desert plants winter care tips
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