Three tries...quickly... I really need to practice on this one.
Voids #1 - We have finished length, and bronze score
Voids #2 - We have finished length, and bronze score
Voids #3 - We have bronze and silver length
Collars #1 - We have finished length, bronze combo, bronze and silver score
Collars #2 - We have bronze length done.
Collars #3 - We have bronze score, bronze length and silver length done
Pyramids #1 - We have bronze score and length
Pyramids #2 - none complete
Pyramids #3 - The only one we DON'T have is gold length
Shapes #1 - We have bronze and silver length
Shapes #2 - We have bronze length
Shapes #3 - We have bronze and silver for all, no gold
Crystals #1 - none complete
Crystals #2 - We have bronze length
Crystals #3 - We have bronze score and all of length done
Crystals #4 - We have bronze and silver length
Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from
Store Page for the Game: