※고막주의※ 알고 보면 환장(?)의 팀워크 피원하모니(P1Harmony)?🤭 팀워크 수업 그 결말은? | 1theK 신인개발팀 |1theK Hard Training Team
The third step to become professional idol singers, the TEAMWORK test
There are the (self-described) first idols in the world who can send telepathy?!
Can P1Harmony show the fantastic teamwork by passing the brutal test?
Check this out right now!
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➕P1Harmony Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p1h_official/
➕P1Harmony Vlive : https://www.vlive.tv/channel/9AAC91
➕P1Harmony Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@p1harmony
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