Enjoy Bollywood superhit action Hindi movie "Paappi Devataa"(1994), starring Dharmendra, Madhuri Dixit, Jeetendera, Jaya Prada, Amrish Puri & others. Directed by Harmesh Malhotra and produced by M.M. Malhotra & Baldev Pushkarna.
#MadhuriDixitMovies #DharmendraActionMovies #JeetendraMovies
Synopsis: Ram and Rahim become best friends after the latter offers shelter to Ram when he comes to Bombay. However, Ram is unaware that Rahim is involved in illegal activities.
Movie:- Paappi Devataa (1994)
Producer:- M.M. Malhotra, Baldev Pushkarna
Director:- Harmesh Malhotra
Music :- Laxmikant - Pyarelal
StarCast:- Dharmendra, Madhuri Dixit, Jeetendera, Jaya Prada
Disclaimer:- We are only the right holders of this content. Any opinions expressed in this Film may purely be of the director or the original producers but are not our personal opinions and we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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