Super Napier cultivation yield upto 500 tons per hectare in one year. Super Napier farming in one hectare can produce enough grass to feed 50 dairy cows in one
Super Napier is the best green fodder for cows. It is yielding green fodder for Dairy Farm. Super Napier grass seeds are planted in 3' to 3' gap row. Super Napier Fodder Grass harvesting is done at intervals of 60 to 70 days. The first Super Napier Fodder grass harvest is made three months from planting. Then succeeding harvests are every 60 to 70 days.
Super Napier has other uses aside from fresh feed for farm animals. If there is excess harvest, the newly cut grass could be shredded and made into silage. The shredded leaves and stalks could also be made into organic fertilizer by mixing with cattle manure.
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