The following content is not intended for copyright infringement. The following is to only promote the film and purposed for entertainment for Mecha and Kaiju fans around the world. Thank you.
After Raleigh's long retirement, he has finally arrived back at PPDC but a different and last Shatterdome of the world. After meeting two scientists in the elevator from the Research division, The Marshall introduces him to the remaining functional Jaegers and the teams' statistics. Raleigh still had his knowledge about the Jaeger program, he didn't lose everything just yet. Since he's an experienced pilot.
The Marshall first introduce the first Jaeger teams and each of their Jaegers. Which is Crimson Typhoon. Crimson is constructed with full titanium core alloys and fifty diesel engine per muscle strand. Crimson Typhoon's three arms allow for great mobility and range in combat; the fighting style of the Wei Tang triplets grant Crimson the grace of a practiced martial artist. Broad shouldered, Crimson Typhoon uses its shoulders to defend against punches and shield itself, allowing it to strike back immediately, rolling with the left shoulder.
It also features three rear jets which allows for an increase in forward movement for a limited amount of time. They can be used to aid in the the Jaeger's ability to leap into the air, often decreasing the distance between her and a kaiju to land a melee attack. These rear jets can ignite independently of each other increasing the speed of its melee strikes, as the torso twists during the slashing movement of the Jaeger's arms. They can be seen during Crimson Typhoon's signature attack, "Thundercloud Formation".
This Jaeger is driven by a specialty of three pilots instead of the ideal two pilots. Two pilots mend the Jaeger on the front of their conn-pod(Cockpit) while the other third pilot acts as a gunner. Then we meet a tank. A Russian team and their heavy, the slowest Jaeger to walk on Earth to battle these giant monsters for six years. A brutal war-machine that doesn't tolerate to make any mistakes and they're a bunch of hardcore team. Which can get anything in anyway possible.
Cherno is one of the heaviest and best armored Jaegers, albeit one of the slowest. Cherno Alpha is built to endure long tours of duty and sustain as much damage from Kaiju attacks as it is able to return in kind. Oppositely, its lack of speed makes it one of the slowest Jaegers of any Mark series and vulnerable to attack from quicker enemies. Cherno's heavily armored arms are equipped with a weapon codenamed "Roll of Nickels"; cylinders that Cherno can grip and increase the power of its punches. When using "Roll of Nickels", the environment is said to shake from each blow it lands against a Kaiju.
Pr-cherno-pneumatic-fists. Cherno's Tesla fists. Its arms also appear to be spring loaded, although can be supplemented by hydraulics for increased impact potential. Similarly, Cherno's Z14 Fists are powered by Tesla cells, allowing for a formation of simultaneous electric arc impulse, with force up to 415kv into a Kaiju, usually to the effect of smashing both fists to induce maximum current at the sides of a Kaiju's head, usually stunning or incapacitating most targets.
Before battle, Cherno taunts its enemies by smashing its fists together multiple times. Whenever this happens, interconnected panels on the Jaeger's torso fluctuate. Cherno Alpha's Conn-Pod, also known as the Atmoscan, is located at the heart of the Jaeger; making it one of the most secure cockpit environments built for a Jaeger.
However, it lacks an escape mechanism; Russian Rangers fight to win against the Kaiju or die trying. Cherno's foot spikes provide additional support and balance to the mechanism. They can be located in one point during patrol/guarding. Cherno's MGS112 Recharging Energy Cell, a nuclear reactor, holds unprecedented energy reserves and incendiary fuel, while acting as a strong decoy for a Kaiju seeking the Jaeger's head. And to be continued...
The part where they introduced Striker Eureka will be next, and with the Australians as well. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this scene as I think you will. And stay tune for more Pacific Rim movie scenes and the next part of this scene. Do remember to comment, like, add to favourites, share and subscribe. Bye! :D