join me while i pack up orders from my most recent website restock!! we got over 200 orders and i could not be more thankful so lets get these orders out ASAP✨
ill be headed to the Tucson Gem Show in just 2 days from posting this and im taking you all with me, definitely stay tuned while i share my 3rd time experiencing the show, buying new inventory and building my gem show mystery box orders✨
if this video brought you to my page, welcome in!! my names angelina but everyone calls me Ang🫶🏼 i am a certified gemologist and this is my crystal shop! i try to share every little bit of it with all of you here on social platforms and i love the community we have built. stick around to see more crystal shop vlogs, gem show vlogs, order packing videos, unboxing videos, crystal education and so much more!!
#crystals #crystalshop #gemstones
#gemstone #orderpacking #crystalunboxing #smallbusiness #rocksandminerals #gemshow #tucsongemshow