#hicarepadlock #padlock
Hi-Care Hardware is a Bangladeshi publicly traded high-quality hardware and locks manufacturer company imported from China, founded in 2012 as Unitech Global Limited | Hi-Care Company.
Product Name: Top Security Pad Lock
Code: 909
Owner: Unitech Global Ltd. | Hi-Care
Brand: Hi-Care
Slogan: We Believe in Quality
Creator: Md Zibrayel
Company: UGL(Unitech Global Ltd.)
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Padlocks are portable locks usually with a shackle that may be passed through an opening
(such as a chain link, or hasp staple) to prevent use, theft, vandalism, or harm.
The term padlock is from the late fifteenth century. The prefix pad- is thought to be related
to the Latin ped which may refer to the portability of a padlock; it is combined with the noun lock,
from Old English loc, related to German loch, "hole"
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