Palani subramanya swamy temple complete information in Telugu. Here we provide a complete tour of Palani subramanya swamy temple in Telugu, which means how to reach Palani, Palani Accommodation and Food, Palani places to visit, Budget for Palani trip, etc.
► Best of India in 365 days Episode 29 - Palani subramanya swamy temple
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Palani temple accommodation -
Palani Trip Budget: Rs.3000
Train ticket cost - Check in
Flight ticket cost - Check in
Food charges - Rs.400 per person per day
Accommodation - Around Rs.800 - Rs.1000
Other expenses - Rs.1000 per person
Train Details:
Train: MAS PGT EXPRESS (22651)
Departs:CHENNAI CENTRAL (MAS) - 21:40
Arrives:PALANI (PLNI) - 07:10 (Day 2)
Train: PGT MAS EXPRESS (22652)
Departs:PALANI (PLNI) - 18:05
Arrives:CHENNAI CENTRAL (MAS) - 04:05 (Day 2)