#美食 #马来西亚美食 #街头美食 #农历新年 #封肉 #肉骨茶 #巴生美食 #klfoodie #bakkutteh #streetfood #cny2024 #malaysiafood
Pandamaran 158 封肉+肉骨茶,位于班达马兰新村, 已有20几年历史。这里招牌福建封肉,甘香软嫩,需要经过数小时焖煮。还有猪脚筋,更是必点,焖得入味,够软,让你一吃回味无穷!除了芋头饭,这里也可以吃碱水糕配卤汁。碱水糕q弹嫩滑,配上咸香卤汁,恰到好处!这里也有干和汤汁肉骨茶。
此外,还有鸡蛋灌肠, 配上开胃的胡椒汤,非常解腻!
158 Hong Ba, located at Pandamaran New Village, is a restaurant specialized in Hong Bak, which is a type of stewed meat. The stew process can take up to 3 hours for the pork trotters. You can also opt for bak kut teh, which comes in soup or dry form. Other specialty is the egg-filled intestines, cooked in pepper soup, which not only appetising, but also cut the greasinesss.
158 Hong Ba
158, Jalan Chan Ah Choo,
42000 Pelabuhan Klang,
Tel: 012-226 3043
Open daily from 7am - 2pm
人到中年,才开始我的油管频道, 请多多指教!
Started my Youtube journey at 40yo, do support, thanks!